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"Blotto's Art Space"
Stylised logo for a potential animated series themed
around arts and crafts, but with an intergalactic twist!
"Chim Chums"
Stylised logo for a potential animated short film 
revolving around a pair of homosexual chimneys.
"Natural Machines"
Stylised logo for a potential illustrated storybook/novel
based in a sprawling forest with floral and robotic lifeforms.
"Eccentric Geometrics"
Stylised logo for a potential animated short film/series
featuring a plethora of geometric entities.
"Hugh Mane and the Human Race"
Stylised logo for a potential animated short film
focusing on an average, "friendly" game of human-racing!
"Blotto's Happy Pose"
Stylised logo for a short animated comedy film 
in the works starring Blotto McMoonDrop (Blotto's Art Space).
"Delightful Colours - The Birth of Rainbow Delight"
Stylised logo for a short animated science-fiction film
in the works starring Rainbow Delight (The Malltiverse).
"The Concept Bar"
Stylised logo for a potential animated short film set in a
purgatorial bar that provides plenty of booze, banter and controversary!
"Mister Pleasant Productions"
Stylised logo for my independent creative studio/brand.
Stylised logo for a short animated horror film in the works.
"The Malltiverse"
"Art Space - The Character Interview Extravaganza"
Stylised logo for a potential comic book series set in the far future
and starring a massive cast of consumerist superhumans!
Stylised logo for a short animated film project
completed my final year of college.
"Happy Halloween"
Stylised logo for a Halloween-themed poster design.
"Merry Christmas"
Stylised logo for a Christmas-themed card design.
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© Jack Harrison/Mister Pleasant Productions 2025

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